Infilnews is the mailing list about going places you're not supposed to go. Subscribers receive one message every month or two containing updates on what's new with Infiltration zine and, announcements of new publications and Internet resources related to urban exploration, excerpts of urban exploration in the news, and that kind of thing.

Like Infiltration, Infilnews covers off-limits tourism in locations such as abandoned buildings, boats, college steam tunnels, hotels, convention centres, public buildings, offices, subway tunnels, forgotten sub-basements, engine rooms, storm drains, and many other locations not designed for the public eye. The list's scope is worldwide, but with a bias towards Canada, the US, Australia and Europe.

Unfortunately, there are some temporary technical problems in automatically joining the mailing list, but it should be back by early 2002.

Back The full, paper version of Infiltration can be ordered for $2 cash (US or Cnd) from Infiltration, PO Box 13, Station E, Toronto, Ontario, M6H 4E1, Canada. Please toss any comments, queries or contributions to Ninjalicious.